Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Factors of Organizational

Question: Critically analyse the arguments with respect to the difficulties inherent in conceiving, planning and implementing a change within an organisation. Which ideas appear most useful to the change agent and why? Answer: Introduction The following essay discusses the various aspects of the organizational change and behavior. It addresses the articles that have been provided for the factors of organizational change. The organizational change is considered to be a very complicated process and it requires an insight into understanding the things that have been discussed in those articles. The organizational change requires many things that will be discussed in the following sections. There are certain ideas that could be seen as very effective in the case of the organizational change. The change process will be implemented after several steps indeed. This will be helpful for the entire process as the change agents are very important in this context. The most useful change agent would be discussed in this matter as well. The impact of organizational change Just like the human beings, the organizations would have to change from time to time as well (Benn, Edwards and Williams 2014). The organizations always search for the different ways on how they can survive in this ever-changing world. This is why they want to enhance their skills and look to overtake their rivals. The organizations face some situations sometimes that force them to implement some change agents into the organizations. These changing forces can come from outside. They are called the external forces. Some changes are from inside the organization, and they are called the internal sources. If the managers are aware of these sources for the change, they will be able to implement that changing process (Fernandez et al. 2012). An important perspective of this change process is the burning platform. (Bolman and Deal 1997). According to the article, it has been mentioned that the CEO of Nokia had addressed the employees to change in this ever changing competitive environment. He had realized eventually that they needed to make some huge changes in the business environment so they could compete with the giants in the industry like Apple and Samsung. The smartphones that use the Android software are much more updated than those using Windows. The CEO himself sent the email to the employees urging them to bring out some innovative ideas so they could change indeed. This had been really interesting since they had been very much devoted to serving the customers properly. The behavior of the employees had to be changed as well. This would impact in various ways. The employees needed to address this situation very strongly since they had to manage the changes. He said that Nokia was still standing on the burning pl atform that needed to go through a positive change indeed (Bolman and Deal 1997). The external change forces The external change sources for the organizational change are very much essential since the organizations need to implement their change policies for the enhancement in their operations and making more profits indeed (Kaufman 2017) It has been seen from several aspects that there are many ethical flaws in the procedures of several business organizations. Some market changes can also appear in the business process of the several organizations indeed. This happens to be one of the initiators of the organizational change. If the customers are not satisfied by the products and services of the companies they might go on to take up some new ways for the betterment of the organizations (Greenberg 2012). The need for the organizational change goes through several steps. These steps are can be divided into the external forces and the internal forces. The external forces for the change would include the factors like the demographic characteristics, technological advancements, pressures from society and politics, the changes needed from the aspects of the shareholders, customers and the changes in their markets. The demographic characteristics include the various forces like the age, gender, education of the customers, level of skill and others (Bolman and Deal 1997). The advancements in the information technology are also important in this context as well. The other issues for forcing the change are the mergers and acquisitions for the business, extreme competition in the domestic and international markets. The political pressures are like the war, leadership issues and some others (Bolman and Deal 1997). The internal forces for the organizational change are the problems in the human r esource management and decisions from the managers. The dissatisfaction among the employees regarding the jobs has also aggravated this problem. If any conflict in the leadership of the organizations take place it would directly impact on the employee performance as well. These issues force the change in the organizations. The little changes like including the rewards systems would also be innovative from certain suspects (Bolman and Deal 1997). The reliability on the managers is a huge factor in the well-being of the organizations. The employees will have to trust the capability of the employees so their steps can be supported. The managers always take the decisions for the sake of the organizations. They dream of something bigger and better for the organizations. This is why they plan something by which the entire process would be benefitted (Greenberg 2012). One of the major influences on the organizational change is globalization. If the organizations want to remain competitive, they have to plan new things. An example can be given for the Nokia phones. Change agents Change agents are essential for the performance enhancement of the organization and surviving in the competitive environment (Alkhafaji and Nelson 2013). There are some issues in the change agents like the mental models. These mental models also have some serious flaws in them. The main fault in this model is the fact that very few people can understand these models properly or completely. The managers always want to provide the employees a perfect and safe environment for work (Chapman and Ferfolja 2001). This would be jeopardized from certain angles. However, these mental models have been implied by some organizations as well. This would be highly important for the organizations to understand if they take up the wrong change model or change agent they will have to pay the price later. The implication of these mental models has sometimes resulted in the industrial accidents that caused many deaths in the factories (Chapman and Ferfolja 2001). The mental models that can be seen as the change agents can be discussed in many ways. Keeepinh in mind its detrimental aspects, it has to be analyzed properly as well. The term intellectual liability has been used in the concerned article that reflects the negative things of the intellectual capital (Chapman and Ferfolja 2001). This also reflects on the facts that the workforce has to be prepared in a way that they are much prepared from the educational aspects. They are much regular on providing the organizations a positive outcome. The problem in this situation is there are certain negative aspects as well. These negative aspects are the extremely poor working conditions, poor planning of the strategies, corporate reputation at the lower end and many other things. These things will have to be taken care of indeed. One example can be given in this aspect is that of the Moura Mine disaster. The Gretley Colliery disaster is also an example of this (Chapman and Ferfolja 2001). The change agents that can be considered as very important from many aspects are mainly the external and internal forces the change. This will help the organizations to focus on bringing in the positive changes in the organization (Chapman and Ferfolja 2001). Thus the organizations should be able to cater to the success and make more profits. Another important change agent in bringing the success in the form of profit is to activate the proper channels for the communication skills. The organizational knowledge will have to be transferred from one party to another one. This would be very much important to increase the communication skills between the employees. If the interpretation of the communication is not done properly the organizations will suffer. Therefore, it is very logical to arrange the sequences under one thread. Thus the organizations can be able to make the intended profits by communicating properly and eradicate all the discrepancies in the human resource management an d their leaders. Thus the organizations can avoid the risks and bring in the success. Conclusion This essay can be concluded by saying that organizational change is a very complicated procedure for all the organizations. They have to go through the change process properly, so they achieve their future business objectives by implementing their desired strategies. Thus the organizations would be benefitted indeed. References Alkhafaji, A. and Nelson, R.A., 2013.Strategic management: formulation, implementation, and control in a dynamic environment. Routledge. Aspara, J., Lamberg, J.A., Laukia, A. and Tikkanen, H., 2013. Corporate business model transformation and inter-organizational cognition: The case of Nokia.Long Range Planning,46(6), pp.459-474. 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